What does Aksharabhyas Kit contain?
Aksharabhyas Kit contains 6 (six) slates with letters in grooves in Regional, National and English languages and Multiplication Tables along with a book name as Foundation Book to read and learn with basic worldly knowledge in the above 3 Languages and one Copy Writing Book in 3 languages for practice by writing on paper with pencil, after thorough practice on the slates as the future education is only on the paper, “Aksharabhyas Kit” is provided in a compact school bag enclosed in it three bags named as Part 1,2 and 3 in separate bags for systematic learning one after the other.
First Part contains 3 slates with 1 & 2 pages of 3 languages Regional, National and English, Second Part contains 3 slates with 3 & 4 pages of Regional and National Languages and Multiplication Tables with 1 & 2 pages and the Third Part contains the above mentioned Foundation Book and a Copy Writing Book.
Why are the slates provided with grooves?
The slates are specially crafted on which the letters of Alphabets are engraved in grooves, so that the children can practice without much assistance placing pencil in the grooves which moves freely for thorough practice hundreds and thousands of times by reading and writing till they learn the letters perfectly, storing in the brain, uttering by mouth and habituating the hand to write, which is not possible on paper and these slates are eco-friendly, saving the forests, durable, washable, cost effective and usable for generations with minimal expenditure on the writing tool i.e. pencil.
Can we use pen to write in slates?
No, only pencil shall be used for thorough practice in the grooves of the slate which runs smoothly and less expensive.
How are Aksharabhyas slates different from other slates?
Aksharabhyas slates are a green concept, light weight, unbreakable, non-soaking, washable, provided with grooves for accurate, legible and better practice. Can be practised hundreds and thousands of times and usable for generations.
In which languages Aksharabhyas slates are available?
Aksharabhyas slates are presently available in 15 major recognised languages in India out of the 22 and also a slate with Multiplication Tables from 1 to 20.
How many languages individual copy writing books are available?
These are available in 15 major recognised Indian languages including English for simultaneous to practice in Regional, National and International (English) languages.
In how many languages the Foundation Book is ready?
Presently it is available in 15 major Indian Regional languages out of the 22 recognised languages including National and International (English) languages.
How is copy writing book different from others?
It is different because it is a single book in 3 languages with better quality paper than available books in the market with more number of pages with more than 40 proverbs and sayings in each of the 3 languages in it and can be practiced many times with better usage value of the product.
Why the kit is divided into three parts?
It is divided into three parts in separate bags as First Part, Second Part and Third Parts because the learning process involves two to three years at the pre-primary level as the children have to be made perfect in each letter one after the other by reading and writing hundreds and thousands of times including Multiplication Tables. After perfectly learning the First Part, Second Part shall be introduced and then after the Third Part shall be introduced for reading Foundation Book with worldly knowledge and practice of writing on the paper in the Copy Writing Book. It is thus planned not to get confused nor confuse the children.
Can we buy individual slates, foundation book and copy writing books separately?
Where can we purchase Aksharabhyas Kits?
Can purchase directly online from Amazon, Flipkart, Meesho or directly from our office.
All enquiries may be made to -
M/s. Nalla Malla Reddy Publications Pvt. Ltd,
# 4-53/3, DIVYANAGAR,
Near Narapally, at 16th K.M. from Hyderabad on Warangal Highway
Ghatkesar Mandal, Medchal Malkajgiri District-500 088, TELANGANA. India,
Phones: 9133377095, 9133377096, 9346422695, 9133377097
E-mails: info@aksharabhyas.com / nallamallareddypublications@gmail.com,
websites: www.aksharabhyas.com / www.nallamallareddypublications.com