To lay proper foundation in reading and writing of letters of Alphabets, we have prepared slates with letters in grooves in Regional, National and International Languages and Multiplication tables.
Letters in the grooves of slates can be traced with pencil by the children by reading and writing, writing and reading hundreds and thousands of times gets stored in the brains, hand gets habituated to write speedily.
After learning to read and write the letter perfectly, A book to read by name 'FOUNDATION BOOK' in 3 languages with basic worldly knowledge and a 'BETTER WRITING BOOK' in 3 languages to practice writing on paper with pencil after perfecting on slates with 6 slates with letters in grooves in our AKSHARABHYAS kit enclosed with 3 separate bags of 1, 2 & 3 parts for learning step by step.

Part 1
Contains three slates with letters in grooves in Telugu, Hindi & English with 1 & 2 pages each, shall be practiced thoroughly at the beginning by the children from Nursery to L.K.G.

Part 2
Contains three slates with letters in grooves in Telugu, Hindi and Multiplication tables with 3 & 4 pages each, shall be practiced thoroughly at the next level or in the L.K.G. Last stage & U.K.G. After perfecting the part-1.

Part 3
Contains foundation book to read and a copy writing book in Telugu, Hindi and English to practice with pencil start this part-3 after the children become perfect in reading and writing of the letters of alphabets in part-1 & part-2 and make them thorough in this part which makes the children Self-confident.
For those who want to learn or teach each language exclusively are provided in separate bags —
- With 3 slates — 2 slates from 'అ' to 'క్ష' gunintalu in Telugu and one slate of tables.
- With 3 slates — 2 slates from 'अ' to 'क्ष' barahkhadi in Hindi and one slate of Tables.
- With 2 slates — 1 slate of English and one slate of Tables.
- With 2 books — “Foundation book” for reading and a “Copy Writing book” for practice of writing on paper.
Uneducated elders also can learn easily with our “Aksharabhyas” kit.